
Here’s a big MacUnicorn hello…


Before I add anything else I just wanted to say hello and give a quick summary of future posts since I have one post done for each of the categories I was planning on working in.  Basically, all future posts will be divided into three overall categories: recipes (with and without videos), Cartoons, and Travel Logs.  I added some links to the side so you can view all the posts for each category; see: Squiggles and Glitter (cartoons), Unicorn Cookery (recipes), and Over the Rainbow (travel logs).

At some point, I may add more categories, but I have a feeling that these three will keep me pretty busy!  However, feel free to suggest something new that you want to see.  The only rule is that topics must be unicorn-tastic (definition of unicorn-tastic: adjective, describing blog posts that contain funny and/or happy material.  Synonyms; rainbow-rrific, whimsical, etc.).  One of my New Year’s Resolutions is to update this at least once a month…so hopefully that will be the resolution I keep for 2014!

To sign off on a happy note…here’s a picture of a unicorn and a rainbow!!


Note: The poll regarding which cartoon will be posted next can be found here —->

I will be closing the poll one week from today so vote early, vote often 🙂

Origins: The Birth of the Unicorn

Sparkles MacUnicorn was born sitting in a booth at a local ice cream parlor. The idea of a literary Unicorn started after a wedding reception with friends whom I have known for almost 25 years. We’ve been close since elementary school and I can safely say that when we get together we take any tiny snowflake of a good idea and turn into a giant snowball of crazy. So it was sitting around this table, as we all got together in person for the first time in over a year, that the words “Sparkles MacUnicorn” were first uttered.

Let’s back up a little. We didn’t just burst into a rainbow of happy songs and think…Unicorns: they’re awesome. (Which they are.) As we sat, waiting for our ice cream and coloring our placemats like true adults, we were actually discussing classical literature. And I just burst out that when I’m looking at fiction, I want a happy or at least a positive ending. There’s so much in life that’s NOT happy that when I’m reading, I want a land of puppies and rainbows and unicorns. We all laughed. But….

All of us around that table have had tragedy strike us in our lives. Illness. Death. Disappointment. Suddenly, this magical land (puppies, rainbows, unicorns!) didn’t seem like such a bad idea. The name Sparkles MacUnicorn was tossed out as a sort of an antidode to tragedy. Since I had been thinking of starting a travel/food blog, I decided to expand it to other things that have been an ecouragement to me when I was decidedly NOT enjoying rainbows and puppies.

And so Sparkles MacUnicorn lives!!

Here is the MacUnicorn Family Crest for your amusement:

Motto: Happily Ever After

Motto: Happily Ever After