Happy Birthday, Harry Potter

***Potential spoilers for Harry Potter (books and movies) below.

So this doesn’t really fit into any of my three categories since I started this blog (and have been horrible about updating…).  But, I was working on the next animal battle cartoon and stumbled upon this drawing and figured I would share it since I’ve been remiss about posting.

Enjoy this look at Voldemort’s horcruxes and who destroyed them in honor of Harry Potter’s birthday.



Animal Battle: Mammoth vs. Platypus

I don’t know if I ever mentioned the origin of these cartoons.  I was over at a friend’s house and her daughter said to me “let’s draw!”  I had just scribbled out Snake vs. Mongoose at work because I was in a really boring meeting.  I showed it to her and she wanted me to do another one.  Then, Dragon vs. Phoenix was born.  From that point on whenever we saw each other, she would give me a couple of animals to pit against each other.

For this one, Mammoth vs. Platypus, I had to do some research!  All platypus facts are true (except…they might not listen to iPods).  Hope that you enjoy this one!

Photo May 02, 11 37 58 PMPhoto May 02, 11 37 58 PM (1)Photo May 02, 11 37 58 PM (2)Photo May 02, 11 37 58 PM (3)Photo May 02, 11 37 59 PMPhoto May 02, 11 37 59 PM (1)Photo May 02, 11 37 59 PM (2)Photo May 02, 11 37 59 PM (3)Photo May 02, 11 37 59 PM (4)Photo May 02, 11 37 59 PM (5)

Conclusion: The platypus is a scarily dangerous animal for having such a cute and fluffy body.

Note: no ipods were harmed in the creation of this comic…